YSH's Founder and General Manager
Message from our Founder

It is hard for me to believe that we have been on this journey for more than 20 years now, ever since I started building Sunbeams Home with my wife, the late Pastor Lucy and the people you see me working with today. It truly has been a blessed journey and only with the grace of God and the dedication from all those who wish to help that we are allowed to keep going and to keep growing. Sunbeams aims to provide a home for dispossessed children, with no boundaries and disregarding any differences, be it race, colour or gender. We aim to provide a home of love and compassion that provides care and guidance for children who have been orphaned, abused, abandoned and from broken families so that they may grow into adults who are able to live a quality life independently. But first we must build that foundation that reaches that ultimate goal. We also look to provide quality education in our own Community Learning Centre which serves as the stepping stone for our children to the opportunity of a better life. Having spent many years as a teacher myself, I can see and understand that merely providing their daily needs is not enough, and that they must be given the platform for which they can truly reach out to be the best they can be. This Home seeks to foster and nurture moral values into our children so that they may understand what it means to be a good person. Building the moral fibre and discipline of one who will move forward to doing good and who will give back to those who are in need as they once were. Sunbeams also provides help to poor and destitute families as well as single parents from the lower income bracket and help with caring for their young children whom they find hard to finance as they themselves find it so hard to get back on their feet. To achieve all this, we need your help. With the many projects that Sunbeams is currently pursuing as well as maintaining the Home, we need the funds to help us on our way as we need at the very least RM 150,000 a month to cover all the costs that come with our endeavours. This includes the many resources and talents we need to provide for the children such as the staff who work diligently to ensure Sunbeams operates at the best it can and the vans that require repairs and maintenance due to many years of hard use and travel. One such project is the new Girls Home, which is finally reaching the conclusion to its construction and requires RM 500,000 to have it ready for our girls to have the home they deserve. Expressing gratitude and appreciation to people who help others is never easy, as the effort they put in is immeasurable compared to words that can be said. Especially those who commit to providing a better future for those who have so much of a future ahead of them, or simply said, our children. We take this opportunity to thank all our donors, sponsors, volunteers and well-wishers from the bottom of our hearts for your continuous support towards our Home. Your efforts and partnership helps us to make a positive difference in the lives of our children and keep us going. Love, compassion and generosity reaps its rewards in many ways, but none is as great a reward as seeing a child grow to the best that they can possibly be. We are looking to grow our family of supporters and would like to invite companies, corporations, individuals and groups to come join us and partner with us in accomplishing our mission. Help us make that difference. We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you once again and may God bless you now and always.
Pastor Alvin Tan Ooi Seng
Chairman of YSH
Message from our General Manager

I would like to first of all take this opportunity to thank all our volunteers, donors, sponsors who have partnered selflessly with us to give our children a better life. Your monetary donations and services in kind is much appreciated. We will not be where we are without your continuous generous support. I also would like to thank our team of dedicated staff for their hard work and commitment to serve the children and help and help them grow to become wholesome adults. During my 17 years of services in Yayasan Sunbeams Home, I have seen the children’s lives changed for the better in terms of their character and they are more confident of themselves. They also know they can have achievable dreams and goals if they work at it. Most of our older children who have left the home are gainfully employed and independent. This gives me much joy and fulfilment and indeed our labour have not been in vain. My vision for the future of Yayasan Sunbeams Home is that we will continue to help as many displayed children in our community as our capacity allows, to give them hope for a better future. I also look forward to more committed volunteers to come help us teach and nurture these children to become caring and good citizens of the nation. To God be the Glory always
Pastor Victor Maniam
General Manager of YSH